
法定代表人:沈永祥 关联企业 3
成立日期: 2006-03-27
简介Since 1992, HRnet One has been a recognized and much sought after brand in the human capital management industry in the Asia Pacific. Adding value at every stage of the cycle, HRnet One today provides end-to-end solutions ranging from talent acquisition, talent retention to talent management/development.At HRnet One, we believe in working alongside our clients in an enduring partnership towards successful closure. We listen, we connect and we identify the best solutions for our clients. Fueling HRnet One's success is a dedicated team of professional consultants committed to providing the highest level of service standards. Drawn from a broad spectrum of industries, our consultants possess the right combination of business, consultancy and search expertise.With 500 consultants and more than 300 partners, HRnet One has operations in 8 countries and 10 cities across the Asia PacificOur ForteTalent AcquisitionAt the core of HRnet One are our Talent Acquisition services. Besides providing the external perspective for our clients, we endeavor to represent our clients' interests effectively. Relying on our network of resources and extensive coverage, our results-oriented and rigorous search process ensures that we place the right high-caliber talents, contributing directly to our clients' business growth and success.Talent RetentionAs employees and candidates today are increasingly more sophisticated, retaining talents has become one of the key challenges faced by many organizations. Drawing from our expertise and in-depth understanding of the market, HRnet One has developed a suite of services to help and advise organizations to address, pre-empt and arrest such situations.Talent Management & DevelopmentThe fast changing market environment has created a need for business to improve their organizational agility by strengthening their mid management (bench), developing people and optimizing performance.Extending our expertise further, HRnet One's Talent Management & Development solutions help organizations with mid management development, talent profiling for succession planning, career transition management and other human capital concerns. Upon understanding our clients' issues, our consultants will customize and propose targeted solutions.Career TransitionHRnet One is an established human capital management firm focused on providing our clients with a complete solution to meet their human capital needs and challenges. We are committed to creating value in every stage of the cycle and identifying the best solution for our clients.One of our extended services is Career Transition Management. In 2000, HRnet One was the first to launch Career Transition Management services. Since then, we have been providing tailored support programs that benefit both our clients and their affected staff. HRnet One's career transition management is available as a group program for general staff and on an individual basis to senior executives, managerial and professional employees as well. We design customized solutions which both address individuals' personal goals, values and career requirements, while also protecting the interests' of our clients.1. Career Transition Consulting for Senior ExecutivesThis package is designed especially for senior management candidates. Using a discrete search approach personally conducted by HRnet One consultants, we proactively assist executives to identify suitable opportunities in the job market. Our recent successful transitions include: Regional HR Director, Regional HR Manager, International Order Fulfilment Manager, Distribution Sales Manager and President.2. Individual Career Coaching - Mid-level ManagersThese one-on-one individual consultations are designed to assist displaced candidates deal with loss of employment, and then move on in the shortest timeframe. The program involves emotion management - Shock, Anxiety, Rejection, Acceptance (SARA counseling), confidence re-building and skills training.3. CTM WorkshopsThese Career Transition Management Workshops provide our clients with a cost-effective way to provide group counseling. Based on the specific needs of individual clients, these seminars are customized to ensure the most suitable counseling and results-oriented guidance for each group. These workshops are most beneficial when the displaced candidates are from similar backgrounds or departments and are at a less senior career levels.
2024-03-12 新增对外投资2023-04-04 新增对外投资2022-11-24 企业地址变更开庭时间:2022-01-25 新增开庭公告,案由:服务合同纠纷开庭时间:2022-02-17 新增开庭公告,案由:服务合同纠纷开庭时间:2021-12-16 新增开庭公告,案由:服务合同纠纷2019-12-13 新增裁判文书立案日期:2019-07-02 新增立案,案由:劳动争议2019-04-10 新增行政许可:核发《人力资源服务许可证》2018-08-16 注册资本币种变更


统一社会信用代码 91310000786715533P
企业名称 和乐网管理咨询(上海)有限公司
上海和乐网企业管理咨询有限公司(2006-03 至 -)
法定代表人 登记状态 存续(在营、开业、在册) 成立日期 2006-03-27
注册资本 6000万元人民币 实缴资本 12.5万元人民币
组织机构代码 78671553-3
工商注册号 310000400460751
纳税人识别号 91310000786715533P
企业类型 有限责任公司(港澳台法人独资) 营业期限 2006-03-27 至 2036-03-26 纳税人资质 增值税一般纳税人
人员规模 少于50人 参保人数 44(2022年报)
所属地区 上海市长宁区
登记机关 上海市市场监督管理局
进出口企业代码 3100786715533
注册地址 上海市长宁区武夷路656-658号2幢2层2921室附近企业
经营范围 企业管理咨询,国际经济咨询及贸易信息咨询(金融信息服务除外),人才中介。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】


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序号 姓名 职务 持股比例
沈永祥 3
2 董事-
3 董事-
江雅音 2



批量查询·以下企业 成立日期 登记状态 导出
序号 企业名称 负责人 地区 成立日期 状态
1 广东省广州市天河区 2016-02-03注销
2 上海市徐汇区 2008-05-26存续
