
成立日期: 1995-02-17
简介Maersk Line is the world’s largest container shipping company, known for reliable, flexible and eco-efficient services. We provide ocean transportation in all parts of the world. We serve our customers through 374 offices in 116 countries. We employ 7,000 seafarers and 25,000 land-based employees and operate 580 container vessels.We market our services through the following brands: Maersk Line, Safmarine, MCC Transport (Intra-Asia), Seago Line (Intra-Europe), Mercosul (Brazil), and SeaLand (From 2015 Intra- Americas).Maersk Line is part of the Maersk Group, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Group employs about 88,900 people in around 135 countries.马士基航运是全球最大的集装箱航运公司,以可靠、灵活、环保的服务而知名。公司在全球提供远洋运输服务,在全球116个国家设有374个办事机构。马士基航运拥有7000名海员和25000名办公室职员,共运营580艘集装箱船舶。马士基航运业务旗下的品牌包括:马士基航运(Maersk Line)、萨非航运 (Safmarine)、提供亚洲航运服务的穆勒亚洲航运(MCC Transport) 、提供欧洲航运服务的Seago Line、提供巴西航运服务的Mercosul以及提供美洲航运服务的Sealand。马士基航运是马士基集团旗下的航运公司,集团总部位于丹麦哥本哈根。马士基集团拥有88,900名员工,在全球135个国家开展业务。 马士基(中国)航运有限公司青岛分公司The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group in the worldThe A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is a worldwide organization with about 117,000 employees and offices in around 130 countries – with global headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark.In addition to owning one of the world’s largest shipping companies, we are also involved in a wide range of activities within the energy, shipbuilding, retail and manufacturing industriesThe A.P. Moller - Maersk Group in North Asia RegionIn the North Asia Region, we employ more than 11,000 employees at 65 different locations in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Mongolia, Japan and Korea.We have served foreign trade in the Greater China Area for more than 80 years. The foundation of the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group’s presence in the North Asia Region is characterized by our commitment to serve foreign trade, continue expansion, make investments that are mutually beneficial, and be good corporate citizens.Our activities in the North Asia Region include an extensive network of branch and representative offices, wholly-owned and joint venture transportation companies, logistics companies, industrial enterprises, as well as managing, operating, and investing in a number of marine terminals in key coastal cities in the region.The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is constantly looking for opportunities to supply its many companies with competitively priced, high quality products made in the North Asia Region.The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group in the North Asia Region, amongst other, the following companies:APM Global Logistics trading as DamcoMaersk LineAPM Terminals
开庭时间:2024-03-07 新增开庭公告,案由:海上、通海水域货运代理合同纠纷开庭时间:2024-02-02 新增开庭公告,案由:海上、通海水域货运代理合同纠纷开庭时间:2023-05-19 新增开庭公告,案由:电信服务合同纠纷开庭时间:2023-03-09 新增开庭公告,案由:货运代理合同纠纷开庭时间:2022-12-27 新增开庭公告,案由:海上、通海水域人身损害责任纠纷开庭时间:2022-08-23 新增开庭公告,案由:海上、通海水域人身损害责任纠纷开庭时间:2022-08-24 新增开庭公告,案由:海上、通海水域人身损害责任纠纷开庭时间:2022-07-04 新增开庭公告,案由:海上、通海水域人身损害责任纠纷2021-07-09 企业地址变更2021-04-13 新增行政许可:未来资产大厦办公用房装修


统一社会信用代码 91310000X072065389
企业名称 马士基(中国)航运有限公司上海分公司
负责人 登记状态 存续(在营、开业、在册) 成立日期 1995-02-17
组织机构代码 X0720653-8
工商注册号 310000500018250
纳税人识别号 91310000X072065389
企业类型 分公司 营业期限 1995-02-17 至 无固定期限 纳税人资质 增值税一般纳税人
人员规模 300-399人 参保人数 399(2022年报)
所属地区 上海市黄浦区
登记机关 上海市市场监督管理局
进出口企业代码 -
营业场所 上海市黄浦区蒙自路757号21层01-08单元(名义楼层23层)附近企业
经营范围 一般项目:国际船舶代理业务;国际货运代理;国内货运代理;仓储服务。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)



序号 企业名称 法定代表人 注册资本 成立日期 状态
吴冰青 17
